Official Conference Policies

General Conduct

Technology Policy

The following committees are allowed to use laptop computers and will be submitting digital resolutions: 

  • General Assemblies

The following committees are not allowed technology or digital resources:

  •  All Crisis Committees

The use of cellular phones and other data-enabled devices besides laptop computers is strictly prohibited during all ArchMUN committee sessions and in all committees. 

The finished working papers in tech-allowed committees should be submitted to the Dias via google docs for editing. Once edits have been suggested by the chair, delegates will review and complete any necessary editing, the working paper will be accepted as a draft resolution. It is important that delegates be mindful with their technology. Under
no circumstance should a delegate type or be actively on the internet while another student is speaking. Moreover, during the voting procedure, laptops or tablets should be closed/shut off.

As of ArchMUN III, the use of AI, including chat-based AI systems like ChatGPT, is
strictly prohibited for purposes including but not limited to, the creation of speeches, position papers, resolutions, directives, and crisis notes. Delegates are expected to rely solely on their own intellect and research skills for the development of conference materials. Any violation of this policy may result in consequences affecting the delegate's eligibility for awards.

Dress Code Policy

All delegates must wear western business professional attire during committee sessions. Failure to adhere to the ArchMUN dress code may affect the delegate's ability to award. 

Photography and Release Policy

At ArchMUN, clearly identifiable staff photographers will be present throughout the conference, including during committee sessions and award ceremonies, to document the conference. The Model United Nations team of the University of Georgia, the University of Georgia, and the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia, reserve the right to use, reproduce, edit, exhibit, project, display, copyright and/or publish images, likeness, and voice in which ArchMUN participants may be included in the whole or in part, developed during participation in ArchMUN and thereafter, and to circulate the same in all forms and media for any lawful purpose whatsoever. It is understood that participants will receive no compensation in connection with the use of their image or likeness. Participants further release, discharge, and agree to waive the Model United Nations team of the University of Georgia, the University of Georgia, and the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia, their licensees, successors, legal representatives and assignees from any liability for violation of any personal or proprietary right that delegates may have in conjunction with said pictures or images and with the use thereof. It is further acknowledged and agreed that the Model United Nations Team at the University of Georgia, University of Georgia and the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia and its members, their officers, agents, and employees shall not be responsible for any of such image, likeness or recording by any third party accessing it through the internet or any other means.

If any potential conflicts arise under the ArchMUN Photography and release policy, please contact the Director General at as soon as possible with your concerns.

Photographs will be released to participants after the end of the conference. 

Fees and Refund Policy

Policies for ArchMUN III are TBA

Code of Conduct

To be a Head Delegate and delegate at ArchMUN, you are assuming the responsibility of being diverse and inclusive in your actions and speaking in all capacities relating to the University of Georgia Model United Nations Conference. ArchMUN understands there will inevitably be a learning period for every delegate and Head Delegate. People are not perfect, and there is a lot to learn, but there will never be any excuse for remaining ignorant about the struggles of BIPOC and marginalized MUN members and how certain actions and words may affect them. As a Head Delegate, it is your responsibility to ensure your students behave in accordance with the following standards. We understand this is a large request; however, it is extremely important to our team and the University that we perpetuate a culture of inclusion, acceptance, and respect. If you have any questions, concerns, or issues regarding the “ArchMUN Code of Conduct Contract,” please feel free to reach out directly to, and we will be more than happy to talk to you or any concerned delegates. It is our personal goal to ensure this conference is run with the utmost professionalism and is conducted in a fashion that allows our Model United Nations community to learn from other cultures through the lens of appreciation and respect while simultaneously ensuring that each and every participant feels comfortable and included.

Behaviors and Discrimination

Discriminatory behavior, harassment, or victimization of any kind is not allowed. Delegates and Head Delegates should conform with the University of Georgia and ArchMUN's equal opportunity policy in all aspects, from speaking and performance to interpersonal relations. Behaviors that are considered unacceptable and will warrant further discussion are:

  • Adopting accents when representing non-western countries or character roles.

  • Explicitly assuming power dynamics to justify distasteful and inappropriate behavior (colonial, white supremacist, etc.).

  • Upholding harmful stereotypes about communities (such as the LGBTQIA+, POC, neurodivergent, or other marginalized communities) in speeches, arcs, and resolutions.

  • Making culturally insensitive, sexist, xenophobic, classist, and other types of discriminatory remarks to try to portray a character.

  • Actions that another ArchMUN member reports to be offensive that directly insults a community they are a part of or makes them feel excluded in any way.

  • Additional problematic or offensive behaviors that have not been outlined here but are determined by the Secretariat or brought up by other members.

Repeated violation of these guidelines, in addition to other offenses deemed offensive by ArchMUN staff and secretariat, can result in a delegate's excusal from the conference if the issue persists and a lack of willingness to learn from mistakes is shown. This is not a decision that will be made lightly, but the University of Georgia's Model UN team feels strongly about cultivating an environment in which all students, faculty, and staff of all backgrounds feel welcomed and appreciated. It is our priority to uphold the safety and culture of respect cultivated by our team; as such, discrimination, in any form, will not be tolerated.

Sexual Harassment Policy 

Sexual harassment is a particular type of prohibited conduct that will be met with severe consequences due to our zero-tolerance policy. Sexual harassment, in this capacity, is defined as  any unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature that “might reasonably be expected or be perceived to cause offense or humiliation.” Acts may encompass any verbal, nonverbal, physical, written or electronic threats that convey sexual, violent, or derogatory messages that may occur between individuals of the same or different genders. 

Examples of sexual harassment include, but are not limited to:

  • Making derogatory or demeaning comments about someone’s sexual orientation or gender identity

  • Name-calling or using slurs with a gender/sexual connotation

  • Making sexual comments about appearance, clothing, or body parts

  • Rating a person’s sexuality

  • Repeatedly asking a person for dates or asking for sex

  • Staring in a sexually suggestive manner

  • Unwelcome touching, including pinching, patting, rubbing, or purposefully brushing up against a person

  • Making inappropriate sexual gestures

  • Sharing sexual or lewd anecdotes or jokes

  • Sending sexually suggestive communications in any format

  • Sharing or displaying sexually inappropriate images or videos in any format

  • Attempted or actual sexual assault including rape

  • Any and all acts of sexual assault will not be tolerated and will result in delegate excusal from the conference, with no payment refund in addition to mandatory reporting of all occurrences to authorities.